Sun is one of the most important of the nine celestial planets in Hindu astrology. Sun is the soul of the universe, represents the life force which enlivens the solar system. The solar ray is linked with the innermost essence of the human beings and hence the Atma or the soul is represented by the sun. The sun operates from the inner depth, illuminating the mind and soul, arousing spirituality and making the personality glow with radiance. Under the influence of sun, materialism, egotism and wrong-doing are eliminated. Outwardly determined, matter of fact and rigid, inwardly kind and royal, the sun operates majestically. Being such an overpowering planet, the effect of the sun is very significant. The strength of a natal chart depends upon the disposition of the sun.
The sun, a male planet is assigned sattwa guna, which indicates its purity. Astrologically the sun is considered to be tall, fiery in nature with yellow eyes, dark brown colour and scanty hair. Sun is the indicator of health, eyes, father, authority, government, vitality, copper colour and royalty. The sun rules the East, suggesting auspicious beginning. It only moves forward and is never in retrograde motion.
In the Ascendant, Sun gives baldness and sharpness of personality. The native is full of new ideas and eager to implement them, but he will meet with impediments when he tries to actualize his plans. Astrologically, the Sun represents bones in the human body, if therefore Sun as the lord of the 1st house in any birth chart is very week, it would mean that the native is likely to have his bones broken or get some other disease of bones.

The Sun gives us light and hence, the eye in the birth chart will be represented by the planet Sun. Sun when placed in the houses of the eye i.e. 2nd or 12th house in an inimical sign, and under the influence of malefic planets creates a defect in the human eye. Similarly if it is in 8th house, in inimical sign and is influenced badly, the father of the native may have eye trouble. In the third house it gives troubles with the siblings but few barriers to the realization of one’s dream. Easy victory over competitors is achieved with the Sun in 6th house.
Sun being the indicator of authority, if happens to be the lord of 9th or 10th house and is strong by house position, aspect etc it indicates that the person is most likely to rise to a position of authority. The sun is most powerful in the tenth house. There the sun takes one to the centre of power. Being of such domineering influence, the sun in the house of marriage (7th house) is not conducive to happiness. In the 5th house, the physical production of the offspring will be restricted but there will be a great deal of mental creativity. On the basis of the Sun’s placement in a horoscope, the astrologer can predict one’s relationship with the government, father and husband.
Important observations:
-Sun and Rahu combination gives hypertension and eye defects.
-Sun and Moon combination makes one fickle mined.
-Sun in fiery signs makes native ambitious, in earthy signs makes native head strong, in airy signs makes one noble and learned, in watery sign makes one fond of opposite sex.
-Sun, if afflicted by Mars as lord of 3rd, 8th and 12th – major accidents
-Sun and Mercury in 8th – sudden political prosperity
-Sun and Jupiter in 4th- makes a native a legal expert
-Sun and moon mutually occupying 6/8 houses- native parents will not have cordial relations.
-Sun and Venus in 6th or 8th house makes native an optician.
-Conjunction of Sun and Saturn causes struggle in life, little happiness from father.
Weak and afflicted Sun for various ascendants:
-Aries: Weak Digestion, anemia, trouble to male progeny.
-Taurus: Mother suffers from arthritis and paralyses, loss of comforts and loss of property, frequent transfers and difficulty in education.
-Gemini: Loss of courage, vitality, trouble to younger co-bones, lack of communication skill, weak heart, apposed by the government officials.
-Cancer: Loss of name, fame, wealth, family life, eye trouble
-Leo: Loss of vitality, Heart problem and loss of status. Dishonor in life, eye trouble, stomach problem, week bones and always oppose to the government
-Virgo: Heart trouble, defect in eye, expenditure on health, troublesome foreign journey
-Libra: Denied elder brother, stomach trouble to the wife of the native, loss from government.
-Scorpio: High B>P, Weak health, trouble to father and loss of status (profession obstacles)
-Sagittarius: Unlucky, setbacks in life, trouble to father and male progeny, atheist
-Capricorn: Sun in swati nakshatra, makes native public life and image unfortunate. obstruction in getting inheritance, effect of the longevity of native, loss in speculation, problems in long journey, loss of money from depts.
-Aquarius: Disturbed married life, sinful wife, losses from government
Pieces: Begets trouble, losses, debts, diseases, litigations.